The Wii was inventor of motion-controlled gaming, but now the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 have brought in a strong competition with the Kinect and the Move, respectively. Though Sony anounced move into motion gaming earlier than Microsoft, it seems that Microsoft Kinect is proving out to be better attention grabber so far. Read more to find out which one to go for:
Both while catering to the same target market have totally differentiated approach towards motion controlled gaming. On one hand, we have Microsoft Kinect which removes the need of controllers altogather and on the other hand we have PS3 Move which is more like Wii motion-controllers. Both make use of camera systems but Move's camera senses the light-up Move controller, while Kinect captures skeletal motion.
The question now every gamer is asking is which one of these is the best suited for individual gaming needs and the answer is "it depends". What it depends on are a few parameters which every gamer is aligned to while buying and playing games, and we have made a list of those and tried to do justice to both of these legendary and awesome gaming gizmos:
1. Age Factor
If you / your family members have small kids within 10 years or so of age, then it makes sense to go for Microsoft Kinect. This would make sure that your System is being used to the maximum potential with least learning curve for all.
On the other hand if you are alone or live with your friends then it makes sense to look into the second point below.
2. Prefered game types
If you are planning to buy either of these systems and you want the best bang for your bucks, then this is the main criteria you should be considering. Why? Because if you prefer to play multiplayer FPS games, then all the best for playing online with Microsoft Kinect while shooting with your fingers. Move beats Kinect pants down on that, as Kevin Butler ad clearly demonstrates.
Whats exciting now is that Move is being complemented by Gun bundle, which transforms the experience to a whole new level.
But if you are into games like boxing, karate or in any aerobic workout, then Microsft makes you life easier by making you not search for your controllers.
3. Purpose of gaming
Microsoft Kinect is made in such a way that it makes gaming so simple and easy, so if your purpose of gaming is fun and timepass, then this is the System to go with.
While if you are in Hardcore gaming, then there is nothing better in this world so far which can give you better satisfaction than PS3 + Move.
4. Life of the System
If you are the kind of gamer who likes to stick to the hardware for a long time and are looking for future potential, then its clear that Microsoft Kinect is the next generation gaming machine, while Sony PS3 Move is just a more accurate and re-marketted Wii motion controller.
Though its hard to say when which system will get obsolete, cause even Wii has been in the market for ages now, but it is clear that the role of controllers will get reduced in future and thus this puts more weight towards Microsoft Kinect. Also since Microsoft Kinect is finding its uses in other areas as well such as modeling personalized sculptures, and getting compatibility with Microsoft Windows Platform, it is certain a winner in longer term.
Both while catering to the same target market have totally differentiated approach towards motion controlled gaming. On one hand, we have Microsoft Kinect which removes the need of controllers altogather and on the other hand we have PS3 Move which is more like Wii motion-controllers. Both make use of camera systems but Move's camera senses the light-up Move controller, while Kinect captures skeletal motion.
The question now every gamer is asking is which one of these is the best suited for individual gaming needs and the answer is "it depends". What it depends on are a few parameters which every gamer is aligned to while buying and playing games, and we have made a list of those and tried to do justice to both of these legendary and awesome gaming gizmos:
1. Age Factor
If you / your family members have small kids within 10 years or so of age, then it makes sense to go for Microsoft Kinect. This would make sure that your System is being used to the maximum potential with least learning curve for all.
On the other hand if you are alone or live with your friends then it makes sense to look into the second point below.
2. Prefered game types
If you are planning to buy either of these systems and you want the best bang for your bucks, then this is the main criteria you should be considering. Why? Because if you prefer to play multiplayer FPS games, then all the best for playing online with Microsoft Kinect while shooting with your fingers. Move beats Kinect pants down on that, as Kevin Butler ad clearly demonstrates.
Whats exciting now is that Move is being complemented by Gun bundle, which transforms the experience to a whole new level.
But if you are into games like boxing, karate or in any aerobic workout, then Microsft makes you life easier by making you not search for your controllers.
So consider the type of games which you would be playing before jumping into this gizmo war.
3. Purpose of gaming
Microsoft Kinect is made in such a way that it makes gaming so simple and easy, so if your purpose of gaming is fun and timepass, then this is the System to go with.
While if you are in Hardcore gaming, then there is nothing better in this world so far which can give you better satisfaction than PS3 + Move.
4. Life of the System
If you are the kind of gamer who likes to stick to the hardware for a long time and are looking for future potential, then its clear that Microsoft Kinect is the next generation gaming machine, while Sony PS3 Move is just a more accurate and re-marketted Wii motion controller.
Though its hard to say when which system will get obsolete, cause even Wii has been in the market for ages now, but it is clear that the role of controllers will get reduced in future and thus this puts more weight towards Microsoft Kinect. Also since Microsoft Kinect is finding its uses in other areas as well such as modeling personalized sculptures, and getting compatibility with Microsoft Windows Platform, it is certain a winner in longer term.